Therm-O-Spray Product Information

Therm-O-Spray Product

Therm-O-Spray (formerly Therm-O-Light Type 2) is a spray applied thermal and acoustical cellulose fibre insulation (CFI).

It is manufactured from specially selected grades of recycled paper and paperboard products.

Cellulose Fiber Insulation is suitable for a wide range of applications including any open vertical, horizontal or sloped surface (regardless of pitch) as well as any open cavity such as walls, floors, flat roofs and cathedral ceilings, which will be later closed.

Therm-O-Spray is applied through the use of pneumatic blowing and spray equipment and can be used in new or existing buildings and is suitable for use in both above and below grade applications.



New Construction or Unfinished Spaces

Sprayed insulation is most practical for new construction or unfinished spaces with exposed studs. Installations are often messy, since some of the insulation also adheres to unintended surfaces such as floors and windows. However, the adhesive binders are water-soluble so it is easily removed. After application, the stud edges are scraped clean with a special milling tool. As long as the "salvaged" insulation is free of debris it can be sent through the blowing machine again for reuse.



Drying Time for Insulation

Sprayed insulation also needs time to dry before being enclosed in the building cavity. The drying time for the insulation varies depending on the type of insulation material and its moisture content, the moisture content of the framing members, and conditions such as humidity and temperature.

Two (proprietary) techniques for faster drying times is to use rockwool, which does not easily absorb moisture, or netting over the studs to support the insulation, with less water content, as it dries.



Performance Vs. Cost

Sprayed insulation systems cost more than fibreglass batt insulation - about 40 per cent more. However, it generally is less expensive than sprayed foam, and performs almost as well in many cases.



Delivers an R-value of 45

A foot of blown-in loose-fill cellulose yields an R-value of 45, while a foot of loose-fill mineral fibre would offer an R-33 level, according to a study by the Canadian Construction Materials Centre.

A foot of fibreglass batt insulation would deliver about R-46. (Since most batts are 5.5 inches thick, the actual insulation is still a respectable R-21). R-values are compromised with any insulation if does not completely fill the wall cavity.



Non Irritating Alternative

Health & Safety: Therm-O-Spray is safe to handle and is a non-irritating alternative to man-made mineral fibre products. However, adequate precautions must be taken when installing or handling any loose-fill product. Reitzel Brothers Insulation is experienced and follows all health and safety precautions when using Therm-O-Spray cellulose fibre insulation to improve the quality of insulation in your home or business
Additional Information

More About

Therm-O-Comfort  is an ISO 9001 registered company with over  30 years of producing high quality cellulose fibre insulation and is located in Southern Ontario.  Therm-O-Spray is safe, ecologically friendly and provides exceptional insulation.


More Technical Information
Thermal Resistivity
Cellulose Insulation provides greater energy savings over other products.
Convection Properties
Cellulose fibre, due to its perfect fit and greater density, inhibits air movement.
Acoustical Properties
Superior properties for improving noise suppression in wall, floor or ceiling construction
Moisture Resistance
Cellulose fibre has the unique ability to slowly absorb and dissipate excess moisture.
Fire Resistance
Cellulose fibre will not melt or degrade when exposed to flame or high temperatures.
Borate Additives
Cellulose fibre insulation is treated with a carefully controlled blend of borate powders.